GDB Debugger#

1. Introduction#

In a nutshell
  • Developed in 1986 by Richard Stallman at MIT.

  • Current official maintainers come from RedHat, AdaCore, and Google.

  • Significant contribution from the open source community.

Brief technical details
  • Allows programmers to see inside and interact/modify with all components of a programs, including information inside the registers.

  • Allows programmers to walk through the program step by step, including down to instruction level, to debug the program.

  • Study this cheatsheet

  • Developed by Dr. Doeppner at Brown University.

  • Become very comfortable with terminal!

2. tmux#

  • Our workspace is limited within the scope of a single terminal (a single shell) to interact with the operating system.

  • tmux: terminal multiplexer.

  • tmux allows user to open multiple terminals and organize split-views (panes) within these terminals within a single original terminal.

  • We can run/keep track off multiple programs within a single terminal.

Beginning with tmux
  • SSH into molly

  • Start new with a session name:

tmux new -s csc231
A new tmux windows
  • You are now in the new tmux session.

  • You can list all active tmux sessions.

tmux ls
List active tmux sessions
  • Notation: Key press combinations connected with a single dash (-) means to be pressed together, otherwise, it means lift your finger, then press ….

  • To go back to the main terminal, press Ctrl-b, then press d.

Go back to main terminal
  • To go back into the csc231 session: tmux attach-session -t csc231.

Go back to the previous tmux session
  • To kill a session:

    • From inside the session: exit, or

    • From outside the session: tmux kill-session -t csc231

  • By the end of this slide your should exit out/terminate the csc231 tmux session.

  • Be careful to not exit out of molly altogether.

Hands on: navigating among multiple tmux sessions
  • Run tmux ls to check and tmux kill-session to clean up all existing tmux sessions.

  • Create a new session called s1.

  • Detach from s1 and go back to the main terminal.

  • Create a second session called s2.

  • Detach from s2, go back to the main terminal, and create a third session called s3.

  • Use tmux ls to view the list of tmux sessions.

  • Navigate back and forth between the three sessions several times.

  • Kill all three sessions using only exit!

Listing multiple tmux sessions
Multiple panes in tmux
  • Create a new session called p1.

tmux new -s p1
  • Splits terminal into vertical panels: Ctrl-b then Shift-5 (technical documents often write this as Ctrl-b and %).

Tmux session with two vertical panels
  • Splits terminal (the current pane) into horizontal panels: Ctrl-b then Shift-' ( technical documents often write this as Ctrl-b and ").

Tmux sessions with one vertical panel and the other vertical panel splitted into two horizontal panels
  • Toggle between panels: Ctrl-b then Space.

  • To move from one panel to other directionally: Ctrl-bthen the corresponding arrow key.

  • Typing exit will close the pane with the activate cursor.

  • Run exit multiple times to completely close out the p1 session. Pay attention to not get out of the container.

Hands on: creating multiple panes
  • Run tmux ls to check and tmux kill-session to clean up all existing tmux sessions.

  • Create a new session called p1.

  • Organize p1 such that:

    • p1 has four vertical panes.

    • The last vertical pane of p1 has three internal horizontal panes.

  • Kill all panes using exit!

Tmux with multiple panels
Resizing panels
  • What we did in the previous hands-on was not quite usable.

  • We need to be able to adjust the panes to the proper sizes.

  • This can be done by issuing additional commands via tmux’s command line terminal.

  • Run tmux ls to check and tmux kill-session to clean up all existing tmux sessions.

  • Create a new session called p1.

  • Split the session horizontally.

  • Windows:

    • You can adjust the size of two adjacent horizontal panes by press and hold Ctrl-b then the left/right arrows.

    • You can adjust the size of two adjacent vertical panes by press and hold Ctrl-b then the up/down arrows.

  • Mac and Windows:

    • Press Ctrl-b then Shift-; to open up the command line bar at the bottom. Type in:

      • rezise-pane -U 20 then press Enter to move the horitontal bar up 20 pixels

      • rezise-pane -D 20 then press Enter to move the horitontal bar down 20 pixels

      • rezise-pane -L 20 then press Enter to move the vertical bar left 20 pixels

      • rezise-pane -R 20 then press Enter to move the vertical bar right 20 pixels

    • You can adjust the number for aesthetic purpose.

  • Redo the hands-on activity of slide 8 so that all the panes are aesthetically proportional.

  • After complete, finish and exit out of all tmux sessions

3. Running and exiting gdb#

Setup pretty gdb
  • Create a new tmux session called gdb.

  • Run the following command in the gdb session.

git clone
echo "source $HOME/peda/" > $HOME/.gdbinit
  • To exit from gdb type q and hit Enter.

Color-coded gdb
Setup an application with gdb
  • To use gdb to debug, we need to compile the program with a -g flag.

  • Split the gdb session into two horizontal panes.

  • In the top pane, run the followings command:

cd ~/csc231/intro-c
gcc -g -o hello hello.c
  • In the bottom pane, run the followings command:

cd ~/intro-c
gdb hello
gdb-peda$ run
Running gdb on hello.c
Debugging with gdb
  • This is a continue from the previous slide’s tmux windows

  • We need to set a breakpoint:

    • Could be a line number or

    • Could be a function name

gdb-peda$ b main
gdb-peda$ run
Set break points and run
Scrolling within tmux’s panes
  • Mouse scrolling does not work with tmux.

  • To enable scrolling mode in tmux, type Ctr-b then [.

  • You can use the Up/Down/PgUp/PgDn keys to navigate.

  • To quit scrolling mode, type q or Esc.

Scrolling in tmux
  • At a glance

    • Registers’ contents

    • Code

    • Stack contents

    • Assembly codes

  • gdb stops at our breakpoint, just before function main.

  • The last line (before the gdb-peda$ prompt) indicates the next line of C code to be executed.

Hands on: finish running hello
  • Type q or Esc to quit scrolling mode.

  • To continue executing the next line of code, type n then Enter.

  • Turn back into the scrolling mode and scroll back up to observe what happens after typing n.

  • What is the next line of code to be executed?

  • Type n three more times to observe the line of codes being executed and the final warning from gdb.

  • Type q to exit from gdb.

Examining contents of program while debugging malloc-1.c
  • This slide should start in a two-horizontal-panel tmux session

  • Change to the directory containing your malloc-1.c that was created from the previous lectures. If you don’t have it, create a new malloc-1.c with the code below

  • In the top pane, compile malloc-1.c in debugging mode.

gcc -g -o malloc-1 malloc-1.c
cat -n malloc-1.c
  • Adjust the top/bottom panes proportion as needed.

  • In the bottom pane, quit the current gdb session and rerun it on the recently created malloc-1 executable.

  • Setup main as the breakpoint and start running.

gdb malloc-1
gdb-peda$ b main
gdb-peda$ run
After initial run command
After initial run command
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  • Type p p: the first p is short for print and the second p is the void pointer variable p in the program.

  • Try running p *p. What does that feedback mean?

After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: void *p = malloc(4);

  • Type p p then p *p again.

    • Why do we have the change in value of p?

    • Why doesn’t value of *p change?

After running void *p = malloc(4);
After running void *p = malloc(4);
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: int *ip = (int *)p;

  • Type p ip: what is the printed value?

  • Type p *ip: what is the printed value?

  • Type p /t *ip: what type of data is value? what is the corresponding value in decimal?

After running int *ip = (int *)p;
After running int *ip = (int *)p;
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: *ip = 98765;

  • Type p ip: what is the printed value?

  • Type p *ip: what is the printed value?

  • Type p /t *ip: what type of data is value? what is the corresponding value in decimal?

After running *ip = 98765;
After running *ip = 98765;
  • Keep hitting n until you finish stepping through all the remain lines of code.

After finish
After finish
Examining contents of program while debugging array-4.c
  • In the top pane, compile array-4.c in debugging mode.

gcc -g -o array-4 array-4.c
cat -n array-4.c
  • In the bottom pane, quit the current gdb session and rerun it on the recently created array-4 executable as follows:

gdb array-4
gdb-peda$ b main
gdb-peda$ run
After initial run command
After initial run command
  • The next line of code to be run is int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  • Run the following commands and observe the outcomes:

    • p argc

    • p argv[0]

    • p argv[1]

    • p argv[2]

    • p argv[3]

    • p argv[4]

After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: size = atoi(argv[1]);

  • Observe that dreaded Segmentation fault notice: SIGSEGV

  • Type q to exit gdb.

After running size = atoi(argv[1]);
After running size = atoi(argv[1]);
  • Rerun gdb on array_4 executable as follows:

gdb array-4
gdb-peda$ b main
gdb-peda$ run 3
After initial run command
After initial run command
  • The next line of code to be run is int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  • Run the following commands and observe the outcomes:

    • p argc

    • p argv[0]

    • p argv[1]

    • p argv[2]

    • p argv[3]

After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
After running int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  • Type n and Enter to run the next line of code: size = atoi(argv[1]);

  • Run the following commands and observe the outcomes:

    • p size

    • p &size

After running size = atoi(argv[1]);
After running size = atoi(argv[1]);
Hands on: finish running array-4
  • Use n to run the next two lines (printf... and malloc..).

  • Step through the for loop and printing out values of i, p[i], &p[i], and p + i at every iteration.

  • Make sure that you understand the lines of code that cause these variables to change value.

  • Utilize scrolling as needed.