MPI: Functional parallelism and collectives
MPI: Functional parallelism and collectives#
1. Collective communication#
Must involve ALL processes within the scope of a communicator.
Unexpected behavior, including programming failure, if even one process does not participate.
Types of collective communications:
Synchronization: barrier
Data movement: broadcast, scatter/gather
Collective computation (aggregate data to perform computation): Reduce
2. Hands-on: MPI_Bcast#
int MPI_Bcast(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
:If on
, pointer to the address containing the data elements to be broadcastedIf not on
, pointer to the address where broadcasted data to be stored.
: how many data elements will be broadcasted.MPI_Datatype
, and other user-defined types.root
: rank of the process where the original data will be broadcasted.tag
: an integer identify the message. Programmer is responsible for managing tag.comm
: communicator (typically just used MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Don’t need to specify a TAG or DESTINATION
Must specify the SENDER (root)
Blocking call for all processes
, create a file namedbcast.c
with the following contents
Compile and run
mpicc -o bcast bcast.c
mpirun -np 4 ./bcast
3. Hands-on: MPI_Scatter#
int MPI_Scatter(void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf,int recvcount,MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
: pointer to the address containing the array of data elements to be scattered.sendcount
: how many data elements to be sent to each process of the communicator.*recvbuf
: pointer to the address on each process of the communicator, where the scattered portion will be written.recvcount
: how many data elements to be received by each process of the communicator.root
: rank of the process from where the original data will be scattered.comm
: communicator (typically just used MPI_COMM_WORLD)
, create a file namedscatter.c
with the following contents
Compile and run
mpicc -o scatter scatter.c
mpirun -np 4 ./scatter
Modify scatter.c
based on the following scenarios and answer the following questions
so that process 2 is now the root process for MPI_Scatter. Does that make a difference in the results?Modify
so that it is declared/initialized only inside process 0, the root process for MPI_Scatter. Does that make a difference in the results?Modify MPI_Scatter so that we are sending out/receving 6 data elements per process. How does that make a difference?
4. Hands-on: MPI_Gather#
int MPI_Gather(void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf,int recvcount,MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
: pointer to the address on each process of the communicator, containing the array of data elements to be gathered.sendcount
: how many data elements from each process of the communicator to be sent back to the root process.*recvbuf
: pointer to the address on the root process where all gathered data will be written.recvcount
: how many data elements to be received from each process of the communicator.root
: rank of the process from where the original data will be gathered.comm
: communicator (typically just used MPI_COMM_WORLD)
, create a file namedgather.c
with the following contents
Compile and run
mpicc -o gather gather.c
mpirun -np 4 ./gather
Modify gather.c
based on the following scenarios and answer the following questions
so that it is declared/initialized only inside process 0, the root process for MPI_Gather. Does that make a difference in the results?Modify MPI_Gather so that we are gathering 6 data elements per process. How does that make a difference?
5. Hands-on: MPI_Reduce#
int MPI_Reduce(void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_OP op,int root, MPI_Comm comm)
: pointer to the address on each process of the communicator, containing the array of data elements to be reduced.*recvbuf
: pointer to the address on the root process where all final reduced data will be written.count
: how many data elements to be received from each process of the communicator. If count > 1, then operation is performed element-wise.op
: may be MPI_MIN, MPI_MAX, MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD (twelve total). Programmer may add operations, must be commutative and associative.root
: rank of the process from where the original data will be gathered.comm
: communicator (typically just used MPI_COMM_WORLD).
, create a file namedgather.c
with the following contents
Compile and run
mpicc -o reduce reduce.c
mpirun -np 4 ./reduce