Locality Sensitive Hashing#

1. Applications of set-similarity#

Many data mining problems can be expressed as finding similar sets:

  • Pages with similar words, e.g., for classification by topic.

  • NetFlix users with similar tastes in movies, for recommendation systems.

  • Dual: movies with similar sets of fans.

  • Entity resolution.

2. Application: similar documents#

Given a body of documents, e.g., the Web, find pairs of documents with a lot of text in common, such as:

  • Mirror sites, or approximate mirrors.

    • Application: Don’t want to show both in a search.

  • Plagiarism, including large quotations.

  • Similar news articles at many news sites.

    • Application: Cluster articles by same story: topic modeling, trend identification.

3. Three essential techniques for similar documents#

  • Shingling : convert documents, emails, etc., to sets.

  • Minhashing : convert large sets to short signatures, while preserving similarity.

  • Locality sensitive hashing : focus on pairs of signatures likely to be similar.


4. Shingles#

  • A k-shingle (or k-gram) for a document is a sequence of k characters that appears in the document.

  • Example: k = 2; doc = abcab. Set of 2-shingles: {ab, bc, ca}.

  • Represent a doc by its set of k-shingles.

  • Documents that are intuitively similar will have many shingles in common.

  • Changing a word only affects k-shingles within distance k from the word.

  • Reordering paragraphs only affects the 2k shingles that cross paragraph boundaries.

  • Example: k=3, The dog which chased the cat versus The dog that chased the cat.

    • Only 3-shingles replaced are g_w, _wh, whi, hic, ich, ch_, and h_c.

5. Minhashing: Jaccard Similarity#

  • The Jaccard similiarity of two sets is the size of their intersection divided by the size of their union.


  • Convert from sets to boolean matrices.

    • Rows: elements of the universal set. In other words, all elements in the union.

    • Columns: individual sets.

    • A cell value of 1 in row e and column S if and only if e is a member of S.

    • A cell value of 0 otherwise.

    • Column similarity is the Jaccard similarity of the sets of their rows that have the value of 1.

    • Typically sparse.

  • This gives you another way to calculate similarity: column similarity = Jaccard similarity.


  • Generally speaking, given two columns, rows maybe classified as:

    • a: 1 1

    • b: 1 0

    • c: 0 1

    • d: 0 0

  • Sim(C1, C2) = a/(a+b+c)

6. Minhashing#

  • Imagine the rows permuted randomly.

  • Define minhash function h(C) = the number of the first (in the permuted order) row in which column C has 1.

  • Use several (e.g., 100) independent hash functions to create a signature for each column.

  • The signatures can be displayed in another matrix called the signature matrix

  • The signature matrix has

    • its columns represent the sets and

    • the rows represent the minhash values, in order for that column.


6. Minhashing: surprising property#

  • The probability (over all permutations of the rows) that h(C1) = h(C2) is the same as Sim(C1).

  • Both are a/(a+b+c)!

  • The similarity of signatures is the fraction of the minhash functions in which they agree.

  • The expected similarity of two signatures equals the Jaccard similarity of the columns.

    • The longer the signatures, the smaller the expected error will be.


8. Hands-on Minhashing: implementation#

  • Can’t realistically permute billion of rows:

    • Too many permutation entries to store.

    • Random access on big data (big no no).

  • How to calculate hashes in sequential order?

    • Pick approximately 100 hash functions (100 permutations).

    • Go through the data set row by row.

    • For each row r, for each hash function i,

      • Maintain a variable M(i,c) which will maintain the smallest value value of hi(r) for which column c has 1 in row r.


9. Minhashing:#

  • Create three additional row permutations, update the signature matrix, and recalculate the signature similarity.

  • Does the signature similarity become closer to the column similarity?

10. Locality-sensitive-hashing (LSH)#

  • Generate from the collection of signatures a list of candidate pairs: pairs of elements where similarity must be evaluated.

  • For signature matrices: hash columns to many buckets and make elements of the same bucket candidate pairs.

    • Pick a similarity threshold t, a fraction < 1.

    • We want a pair of columns c and d of the signature matrix M to be a candidate pair if and only if their signatures agree in at least fraction t of the rows.

11. LSH#

  • Big idea: hash columns of signature matrix M several times and arrange that only similar columns are likely to hash to the same bucket.

  • Reality: we don’t need to study the entire column.


  • Divide matrix M into b bands of r rows each.

  • For each band, hash its portion of each column to a hash table with k buckets, with k as large as possible.

  • Candidate column pairs are those that hash to the same bucket for at least one band.

  • Fine tune b and r.

  • We will not go into the math here …

12. Hands on LSH#